Saturday, June 20, 2009

AM Week 212 - End of Class 2

Hey folks,

it's done. Class 2 is finished and the term ended on Friday at noon, Pacific time. The last week of the term is always dedicated to some last fixes, the last Q&A and the creation of the progress reel, which shows all the assignments the students have done up to this point.

While it's sad that it was the last week with my current classmates and my Mentor Josh (the Q&A was quite emotional but still a lot of fun :), it's also superexciting to start Class 3 very soon. Then I'll get assigned a new Mentor and I'll be in class with different students. The new term will start on Monday, 29th.

Once again thanks so much Josh for a great term and for all your help and support!
Another big THANK YOU goes to all my classmates, campus mentors and students from other classes, who commented on my work and helped me a lot with their critiques, comments and ideas. You guys rock!!
For anybody reading this blog and thinking about joining the AM community, this is actually one of the strongest aspects of the school, the COMMUNITY. There is so much support and excitement going on, and if you try to be active and to not hide behind your computer, you will in fact be able to make friends and meet lots of awesome people.

The only thing that really bugs me is that I'm so far away here in Germany that I can't make it to all the cool gatherings and events that take place over there in the U.S. and Canada. This is a bit frustrating at times, but I'll definitely be there for the graduation next year!!

So to sum it up, here is my Progress Reel for AM classes 1 and 2! Enjoy :)

(about 6 mb, I plan to upload a higher-res version once I have my website running...)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

AM Week 210 + 211

G'day everyone :)

Today I'll post the work of 2 weeks in one post, since I've been busy lately. My last assignment for Class 2 at Animation Mentor is pretty much done. I've submitted the polished version today, of course there is still a lot of stuff I'd like to finess, as usual. However I'm fairly happy with the shot overall, and I hope to add some finishing touches next week.

On Friday at 12 p.m. PST the current term ends, and we will have a 10 day break. After that I'll continue with Class 3 - Advanced Body Mechanics. It's really crazy how time flies. Just when you feel like you got to know your Mentor and classmates a little better, the term is over and classes are mixed up again. But this is also a good thing, since you get to work with many different people.

So here we go, enjoy!
(and comment)

Week 10 Submission: Refining & Polishing

Week 11 Submission: Polishing 2 & Details

As a side note, Disney's "Bolt" will be released next week (June 18th) on Blu-ray/DVD, yeah! I really loved the movie and can't wait to see it again :) I thought the animation was really well done.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

AM Week 209


Here comes a quick update for this week. The "blocking plus" for my current assignment still has some problems, but the body mechanics for the main character are working ok, I think. The mummy is still in stepped mode with some added breakdowns. I also adjusted the camera as well as I could. The stagger when the character comes to a stop before jumping is still pretty rough, there needs to be more detail in the body and limbs. I would like to add something in the end of the shot, like the door collapsing or the character sliding down, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time. It's pretty busy at the moment...

Enjoy! As usual, feel free to comment :)

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