Tuesday, April 21, 2009

AM Week 203

Last week it was time to refine the animation of the jump and incorporate more details, like the feet peeling off the ground, feet planting on the ground, as well as working out general arcs and overlapping of the body.

So here is my submission for week 3. It's not finished yet and I'll polish the animation some more this week, but I think most of the motion is working alright.

As usual, feedback is always welcome!
Have a nice week everyone, and I hope you all have such great spring weather as we do here :)


  1. Hi overall nice animation but in my opinion the landing after the jump is slightly weightless for the distance off the jump.I would squash it down more, it's just my opinion. Keep up the good Work!
    Grüße aus München

  2. Denk ich auch, Tommy.
    Alles super, bis zu dem höchsten Punkt der Flugkurve. Ab da müsste es schneller gehen, bis zum Aufprall. Und hier würde ein minimaler Hold der Füsse vielleicht ganz gut tun (kein Freeze natürlich). Danach könnte es dann kurz wieder schneller werden, wenn das Gewicht nach vorne "katapultiert" wird.
    Hey cool, ist echt spannend deinem Blog zu folgen, macht echt Spass. Viel Erfolg weiterhin und munter bleiben,


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