I hope to write a more elaborate update soon to let you know a little more about the amazing trip to the US this July/August, where we had a fantastic time at Siggraph, the AM graduation and then touring the south-western states. We travelled about 2300 miles and saw so much that it can't be put into a few sentences.
Thanks to the crew of AM for putting together a wonderful and very emotional graduation and several fun meetings during Siggraph and at the San Francisco annual BBQ. Besides that huge thanks go to Alex, Sara, Julia, Jason, Aly, Teri, Jeff, Emily, Becca, Bobby, Dana, Travis, Mike, Bernhard, Nico (and everyone I forgot to mention) for helping and supporting us and making our time in California so special. You rock!
Last not least, some shameless self-advertising :)
I made it into this year's AM Showcase!! I'm very happy and proud to be included alongside those talented students and alumni who created some of my favourite shots within the school.
Congrats to you guys!

Go check it out on the AM Website!
I was also lucky enough to win the Student Choice Award for the best acting shot at the graduation, that was one overwhelming day! Thanks for your votes :)
More to come soon.....