Tuesday, March 31, 2009

AM week 107

Alright, now comes the fun part. "Tailor" was a character I was really looking forward to, and I wasn't dissapointed. He's really cute ;)

And my Mentor Mario liked the animation, too, which was cool!
The assignment focused on the application of overlapping action and arcs.

Again no poses for that week.

This version is already the revised animation after I had gotten Mario's e-critique.
Throw in some comments if you like!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tommi,

    I'm going into Animation Mentor, Maya springboard Fall 11, and I've been reading your blog from the beginning. So far I've loved all your work and your writing voice too.

    My comment for this animation is to maybe add a little branch bounce when Taylor is moving across the limb of the tree. It will prepare the viewer for what the character does with the branch to get what he wants. Anticipation for things to come.

    Thanks for posting, and best to you Tommi,


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